Washington State Ferries: Recruitment Campaign (2022-2023)

The Situation

Washington State Ferries (WSF) is facing a severe staffing shortage due to an international shortage of maritime professionals, the Covid-19 pandemic and the aging demographics of the current workforce.  

Team Soapbox was hired by Washington State Ferries to develop a recruitment campaign and target specific audiences to increase and diversify the applicant pool. Team Soapbox worked with the WSF communications and HR team to develop a comprehensive communications plan for recruitment marketing and outreach.  

The Approach

A first step in developing our recruitment marketing strategy was reviewed WSF benefits, hiring processes and recruitment campaigns in maritime and transportation industries. We conducted surveys from internal staff, including their insights on benefits, messaging, and employee experience. Based on our audit of materials, campaigns, and employee surveys, Team Soapbox developed a campaign concept with the tagline “Come Sail With Us” and included key messages segmented by audience groups, campaign brand identity, and a marketing strategy. 

We managed the roll out of all the marketing tactics including the development of the WSF specific splash page, print and digital advertising, radio, ethnic media, and collateral development for recruitment events. The print and digital advertisements were featured on King County Metro and Sound Transit, Seattle Met, Seattle Gay News, KXPA, The Stranger, International Examiner, La Raza del Noroeste, Beacon Publishing, Crosscut, Sound Publishing, Pandora and Spotify. The suite of recruitment materials included a poster inside the Ferries, banners, flyer, postcard, rack card, and brochure. We developed a series of videos, one long form video  and five short form :30 videos for specific audiences and is used on the website and for social media advertisements. 

The five short-form videos can be found here: 

  • Washington State Ferries Recruitment #1 video 

  • Washington State Ferries Recruitment #2 video 

  • Washington State Ferries Recruitment #3 video 

  • Washington State Ferries Recruitment #4 video 

  • Washington State Ferries Recruitment #5 video  
