The Situation: PEPS is a nonprofit organization and a respected, sought-after community asset to new families in King and Snohomish Counties and one of the few organizations focused on the well-being and support of parents. Annually, close to 3,000 parents participate in more than 245 neighborhood-based and facilitated peer-support groups to build confidence and resilience, reduce stress and isolation, form communities of support, and better understand their child’s development.

As the organization entered its 40th year, PEPS sought a brand refresh – along with a potential new name and tagline – that more accurately reflected the organization's breadth of programming and services.

The Approach: To begin our work with PEPS on a new brand identity, we developed a creative survey for the client to complete that sought to identify the goals, objectives, and vision the PEPS team had for their new logo and potential name. This crucial step allowed us to gain comprehensive insights into their aspirations and outline a clear direction for the project. Additionally, through the creative survey process, it was determined that a staff branding workshop and surveying of community partners would be an important part of the decision-making process for PEPS.

Before beginning brand development, we held an in-person workshop with PEPS staff. This session served as a collaborative platform, bringing together key stakeholders from the PEPS team. Through open discussions, brainstorming, and idea sharing, the workshop facilitated a deep exploration of the organization's values, mission, and vision.

Using the creative survey results and findings from the brand workshop, our team began developing several different logo options for the team to consider and possible new organization names. Our team worked with PEPS on rounds of edits to the brand identities and possible names, which we then compiled into a survey for their community stakeholders' input.

The result from the survey narrowed down the name and logo options to two, which the PEPS team selected from. The result was a modern, energetic logo and the adoption of the PEPS acronym as the official name.

The last deliverable from our team was formal editorial and brand identity guidelines that outlined the fonts, colors, and styles for PEPS.

The Result: The revamped brand identity of PEPS was rolled out at their 40th Anniversary luncheon event and was met with widespread acclaim and enthusiasm. The strategic rebranding has resulted in a broader audience appeal, including individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds and families with varied experiences. The positive outcomes are evident in the increased engagement levels with the organization and the positive endorsements from stakeholders.