Christine Stepherson
P: (206) 528-2550 x 1
Christine co-founded Team Soapbox in 2001 to focus her communications know-how to raise awareness for issues that span public safety, economic development, low-income housing, improving and supporting education, funding for community health clinics, and other issues that create a better community.
She believes these issues should be communicated in ways that are just as captivating to people as the newest Apple creation or the latest Netflix series. She enjoys finding out what’s grabbing people’s attention and seeing how to tie that to issues that matter in our community. She uses every tool in the communications box and loves how the nature of the industry constantly changes to create new ones. She continually tries to find ways to inject laughter, games, dancing, art and Scrabble into the work day, a client event or other communication materials.
She is passionate about Seattle -- its vibrancy, beauty, small businesses, arts, civic life and working with organizations that are making Seattle and the world a better place for all of us.
She thrives on being outdoors in every season and spends most of her time outside of the office swimming in Lake Washington or exploring the mountains with her husband, son and daughter on snowboard or on foot. She is thankful for the occasional rainy Seattle day to hole up with a book either by herself or with her children. The stack on her bedside could topple at any moment.