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Meagan DeGrand

Pronouns: they/them
E: meagan@teamsoapbox.com

A Seattle transplant from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Meagan was trained in design at Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University. Educated on both traditional illustration and digital design, their rounded artistic skill lends to many mediums. Having traveled west to explore new creative challenges, Meagan is now applying all of their skills to Team Soapbox clients. Meagan uses an enthusiasm for connection, a keen ear for stories, and a passion for design to help interpret client needs and express their personalities. Their interests lie in using art and design to educate on humanitarian issues, and to teach in a community setting the ways that artistic expression can aid mental health, processing and personal development. A proud member of the LGBTQ community, Meagan also enjoys engaging in queer-issues advocacy.

When not at the ‘Box, Meagan enjoys exploring different mediums of art, playing ukulele and collecting hundreds of photos of their pets.